Calling all coaches - volunteer, paid, wanna-be greats, and rockstars. If you know a coach, have a kid who has a coach, this one is for you.
Minor sports are a significant part of many communities and we invtest very little in the leaders we ask to guide kids through some critical experiences. See - it's rarely about the sport. The skill development is great, but the true impact of any coach is their ability to manage the relationships in and around a team that determine their effectiveness, their impact and ultimately their legacy (can a minor soccer, ball, gymnastic, hockey, football, dance coach leave a legacy? HELL YES) In fact, coaches these day s can not only change a life, they can save one(s).
Join me as we dive into what it takes to get peak performance from your athletes and leave them in inspired and motivated. See we are playing by a set of rules that were established for a world that no longer exists, it's time to write a new playbook.