"Empathy is the antidote to burnout"
~ Dr. Jody Carrington
Our focus
Dr. Jody has insights and strategies that can set leaders apart and create the most integrated, innovatitve and healthy teams these days:
Context is the prerequisite for empathy; empathy is the antidote to burnout. It will become increasingly difficult to lead effectively if the relationships are difficult to access with the people you are leading. Remote and hybrid workplaces need a new set of rules.
Your teams matter more than the people you serve or the products you create. Understanding that to the core will set your organization light-years ahead of the rest.
Staying calm in times of distress and having the skills to repair relationships when conflict arises is the most important training investment you can make. This will not only create a healthier organization, but allow you to attract and retain top talent.
Anyone can benefit from Dr. Jody's leadership talk. Whether you are a veteran employee or member of your association or just beginning your career, the leadership talk has relevant takeaways for all.
To be clear - putting yourself first has very little to do with the rhetoric of self-care. What becomes most important is providing a set of strategies for leaders to get back to the best parts of themselves first. Then and only then can they lead others back to the best parts of them.