Holding Space for Healing: Feel, Process, Rise

Jody Carrington
August 27, 2024

There is a lot of pain out there in theworld. And a lot of stories behind the hurt—the question remains: what do we dowith all our emotions and the subsequent pain they can sometimes cause—eitherthe pains we inherited, or the ones that were thrust on us by our experiences?

The objective is to eventually integratethe emotions that these experiences evoke. It’s never about getting rid of ourexperiences entirely (because we can’t). It’s truly about making sense of themso they can settle into our stories and the defenses become less necessary toprotect the soul. It’s what they call “the work”.

When we take the time to process ouremotions, they stop hitting us out of the blue or keeping us stuck in time in oneexperience. The kicker: you can’t go around any of it. There are no shortcuts.You have to go through it. Simply acknowledging the dark stuff, the heavyburdens, is the key to healing.

How’s your heart this month? I encourageyou to slow down long enough to feel your feelings. Hold space for thoseexperiences, the emotions that they carry and start writing your story. Breathein, real deep, and simply acknowledge what you’ve been through and how it felt.That’s a good start. Remember, you are amazing. And you will rise.

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